The US economy is already dead... it just doesn't know it yet.

To be specific: The US will go into acute stagflation inside of 4 months, which will then transition to a depression more severe than the 2008 crisis before the end of the year. And it's already unavoidable.

We are seeing the building blocks of a disaster the likes of which we haven't seen in generations, and it's a question of when, not if it goes off the rails.

First, there's massive inflationary pressure right now:

Second, those same things can also trigger a recession and there's more:

Unemployment will be off the charts:

The ripple effects here are going to greatly disproportional to the first-order numbers.

Inflation is manageable. A recession is manageable. High unemployment is manageable. A failed harvest is manageable. A trade deal breaking up is manageable. A constitutional crisis is manageable. A supply chain disruption is manageable. A war is manageable. A reduction in government spending is manageable. A breakup of an alliance is manageable.

But not all at once.

If these trends all manage to hit, which they almost certainly will, we will be seeing a collapse of employment and industry combined with rising prices: classic 80's style stagflation.

The inflation will be transitory – the prices will probably only go up initially as the tariffs are threatened, then imposed and trade starts to fail. After a short while of stockpiles depleting prices might go up a little more, but it would basically reach a new normal at a higher price point. Agriculture will recover, etc. Still, it's a good year or two of suck. In the mean time that inflation will paralyse the Fed: They'll want to lower rates to counter the recession, but bond markets would rebel because of the inflation. QE would be a possible response, but would also be seen as irresponsible with 'room to cut' being available and inflation already at a high point.

With the regime being too [redacted] to respond to the self-inflicted damage things will turn nasty. With most adults in the room purged outright or sidelined, the recession will quickly transition to a debt-deflation spiral, and somewhere along the way the massive bubble in asset prices is going to pop and we'll see the 3rd Minsky moment of the past century. That's when the Greatest Depression starts, folks.

Some believe that the regime's economic 'thinkers' (Bessent, Lutnick, Miran, Navarro) have explicitly planned to crush the economy as soon as possible so they can say it was “biden’s economy” that crashed; this would let them both profit off the collapse, and allow the president to swoop in and rescue the country. But be it malice or gross incompetence... such a rescue is not possible.

Roadblocks to recovery:

The modern world is filled with complexity that requires the admnistrative state, and despite claims to the contary it is not being made efficient... it is being systematically destroyed.

The theory (such as it is) is that all government spending is inefficient, and 'crowds out' private enterprise. So if you get rid of the government, private enterprise will flourish. What actually happens is that aggregate demand plumets, and GDP gets wrecked. That's how when Greece cut 30% of government spening, it also lost 30% of its GDP. It hasn't recovered since 2010 and the US is now doing that to itself.

If I'm right, we'll see the first major shock come in on March 7th, when the febuary unemployment numbers come in. That won't be the worst of it, because there's a lot of inertia in 'the economy'. It's like a big oil tanker, it doens't just change course on a dime. But someone decided to put a great big iceberg right in its path, and I'm betting that will bring it to a stop real fast.

Wildcards in the mix:

None of these are even neccesary for collapse, but they might speed up what I believe is already inevitable.

So good news everyone: there will be no Trump 3rd term, and the US won't be joining a new axis of evil... it will barely survive the coming year. This will take the world economy with it. Brace yourselves

Source: Reddit